
Wednesday, November 7, 2012


time goes by 
best friend memories go away
then the "storm" say hello
destroy the word "best friend"
destroy the trust in the sky
can everything be fixed , someday?
do you revenge?
are you insane?
my brain talks to my heart 
that's okay 
that's your rights
I just wanna say "sorry" to your past
Once more , congratulation to your present and future
my "best friend"


See your eyes in the sky
See your smile of the sadness
When the soul ran away
Color your life in black
it's so mysterious 
Color you soul in white
it's so pure
Color your sadness in blue 
it's like sky
Color your friendship in pink
it fulls of happiness
Color your love in flower 
it's so romantic?
are you sure?
Flower doesn't show your love
Many flowers blossom in my love

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Do you (still) love me?


Do you (still)  love me?

When these knives hurt your heart
Do you (still)  love me?
When these arrows punch your trust
Do you (still)  love me?
When these needles kill your love
But.. but..and..but
You know you hurt me so million times
You know you throw my trust away
You know you kill my love
You know everything
But you can't change
But you can't think
But you still hurt me
So my question : Do you (still)  love me? is not to be answered 
But you must think about  what you should think 
Think with your heart 
Feel with your brain 
Do you (still)  love me? 

Sebongkah Puisi tuk Maulida


Menyusuri jalan kehidupan yang penuh kebahagiaan
Antara suka dan duka dalam jalinan kasih persahabatan
Untukmu Maulida sahabat kami tercinta
Lewat samudra huruf ini kami utarakan
Indahnya persahabatan yang kita lalui bersama
Detik demi detik senyum, canda, tawa, bahkan air mata menyelimuti persahabatan kita
Akan tiba waktunya juga dikala kita akan berpisah

Akan tiba masanya juga dikala kita akan meraih mimpi-mimpi kita
Maulida oh Maulida
Bersyukur kami bisa mengenalmu Maulida sahabat kami tercinta
Awan dan birunya langit tersenyum melihat kokohnya persahabatan ini
Rembulanpun besinar terang menemani kehangatan persahabatan ini
Waktu berjalan begitu cepat
Angin keceriaan berhembus tuk sampaikan pesan relung hati kami
Tetaplah SEMANGAT dan selalu BERSYUKUR dalam hidup yang indah ini
Ijinkan kami berdendang  dan bergoyang nyanyikan lagu kebahagiaan  SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN  KAWAN

                                    SALATIGA , October 9th 2012 ^__^

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Siapa sih yang nggak tahu Gangnam style? Hayooo tau nggak nih ? Ngaku ayo ngaku , hahhaha
Oke anyway , yang udah mbakbro n masbro tau nih ya.. Gangnam style lagi meledak nih , petasan kali ye meledak, ya bahasa kerennya lagi booming nih di sejak bulan agustus 2012. So, Gangnam asal muasal dibawakan penyayi rap  PSY nih dari Negeri Gingseng sono KorSel poenya deh . Terus hubungannya ma brokoli apaan coba? mau tahu , beneran mau tahu ?hahahha

Gini mbakbro masbro, Gangnam Brokoli itu semacam masakan ya masakan tumis gitu deh , kalau bahasa Jermanya "oseng-oseng" , tanya siapa yang kasih nama? ummm kasih tau nggak ya..hahahha
Okedeh, gini loh jujur aja ya  nama Gangnam Brokoli itu yang bikin ane , keren kan ? "Terus inyong kudu ngomong double Wowww Wowwww gitu" , " yomestilah kon kudu ngomong WoW", okey anyway alasan gue kasih nama Gangnam Brokoli soalnya rasa tumis brokolinya itu nyentrik banget deh kayak Gangnam style. 

Okay nggak usah panjang lebar lagi ni ya , ni resep how to make Gangnam Brokoli
At first , you have to prepare all the ingredients which consist of Broccoli, tofu, tomato, carrot, green pepper, red pepper, shallot,onion, oil, and Royco (it's an optional , you can only use salt or another bumbu penyedap)

1. Cut the broccoli, carrot, tomato, tofu
2. Slice the green and red pepper, shallot , and onion
3. Turn on the stove
4. Put the frying pan an on the stove
5. Pour the oil
6. Put the the green and red pepper, shallot , and onion sliced into the pan
7. Put the  the broccoli, carrot, tomato, tofu cut into the pan
8. Stir-fried all the ingredients
9. Wait it's cook 
10. Serve the Gangnam Broccoli

This is it , GangNam Brokoli ala chef Nchan :D

Yaap, that's all ,it's easy, isn't it? you can try it now ! Happy Cooking , coz Cooking is Amazing ^___^


Flower of sadness
Trees of happiness
Come to river sides
Come to the maze
Think to Think

Ask to Ask
Some think of something
Something for something

Secret ?

Time goes so fast
Steal my heart to be killed
Time goes so fast
Take my hope to be burnt
Lying down on the grave yard
Hang on the sky tree
So what's the secret 
So what's the problem
Secret in the secret
Answers to be questions

IBM Class : Interesting ? (part 1)

In the afternoon , A and B have lunch at cafe . While , they are waiting their foods , they have a great conversation : 

A: I've ever heard that IBM is interesting class , is it true?

B: Ummm , Yes, it is.

A: Ohh, I see , coz some people also said that taking IBM class can also improve our knowledge about business, is it right?

B: Yaa, that's right.

A : By the why, do you take IBM class this semester?

B: Yes.

A: Ohh, come on B, can you tell me everything about IBM class coz I want to know more about it , hmmm you always respond my questions in the simplest answer >,< .Please, tell me that you have got so far in IBM class. :)

B: Okay , you've to listen it carefully , I'll tell you a little bit about IBM  are you ready?

A: Yuhuuu

B : Okay, although  I'm an English Department student and I take elective class-IBM class, I think that IBM class is really interesting. IBM stands for  International Business Marketing , IBM is important because it will give us general overview that people need to do business , and we also know how to do marketing. In the first meeting , my beloved lecturer, named Bu Risti , gave explanation about International business and International marketing. As the name suggest, International Business is any firm that engage in international trade or investment. While international marketing is  an activity conducted by a company to produce the product that should be planned based on the need of someone ( costumer) or country. 

A: Ohh I see , can you give me an example of International Investment?

B: Coca-Cola company, you know that Coca-Cola is originally USA company, and Coca-Cola has invested the company in Indonesia ( Ungaran, Central Java) , In short we can conclude that International Investment occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country.

A:Ohh, I see, so it can be conclude that the Coca Cola company wants to get closer with Indonesian consumer.

B: Yap exactly :)

A: That's really interesting , thanks for sharing :D.

B: Anytime ^_^ , Waa that's our food, let's have a lunch first, coz I'm totally hungry 

A: Okay , we can discuss about  IBM class later .

Finally, their foods is on their table , and they stopped their conversation about IBM class , and they will continue it later.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rainbow SALAD

Kalau ada "Rainbow Cake" , ini dia nih primadonanya SALAD ,,,cieee this's called "Rainbow SALAD" , hahahhaha , pasti mbakbro and masbro semua udah pada paham ni ye , SALAD , what is Salad?, oke deh ane mo kasih penjelasan dikit , Salad itu campuran nih ya dari berbagai sayur-sayuran gitu deh dan di siram sama saus salad dan diatasnya ditaburi parutan keju yang hauce ping ping dah , lihat aja nih foto "Rainbow Salad" nya , mantap punya kan ..hahahha

Disebut Rainbow Salad , knapa ya..kenapa..ya, seperti yang bisa mbak  dan masbro lihat sendiri , salad ini bukan sembarang salad ini tuh kayak pelangi ,,ane ulangi lagi ya pe pe la la ng ngi , karena banyak perpaduan warna warni yang cantik , kalau respon mbak n masbro " TERUS GUWEH HARUS BILANG WOOOOWWW gitchu " , ane bakalan jawab niiihh " IYAHHH ELOOH ELOOH and ELOOOH HARUS BILANG WOOWWWW " ,

 hahahha , oke oke balik lagi ya ke Rainbow Salad , ehemmm  Rainbow Salad ini juga ada filosofisnya lho , pengen tahu kan apa filosofisnya , gini penjabarannya , berbagai sayuran yang ikut serta dalam pembuatan salad ini ada jagung manis, selada, tomat, kentang , timun, brokoli, keju , semua sayuran ini beda lho ya beda , kayak slogan Indonesia nihh " Bhineka tunggal eka " walaupun beda tetap satu  jua , bahasa kerennya harmony in diversity deh. Perlu diketahui juga ya mbak/masbro salad ini juga simbol persahabatan lho , persahabatan 4 orang anak manusia yang cantik jelita dan menawan , hehhehe , persahabatan antara aku , nyum2 , enchoo , n rhannnyyyy , cieeeee , kami bersibaku dan berjuang untuk membuat Rainbow Salad ini , dan kamipun puas dengan hasil yang "iiii waaaaaw" banget ini , Rainbow Salad perpaduan kombinasi warna warni yang nyentrik esentrik , dan rasa yang Laaaa tooo the Zisss , Laziiiisss .

Okedeh Okesip sampai disini dulu ya cerita kuliner Rainbow Salad ala chef Nyum2, Encho, Rhan2 , and Nchan , sampai berjumpa lagi dengan cerita kuliner selanjutnya. 


Secarik  kertas putih nan bersih
Tergores kisah pedih
Tinta hitam ini

Menari lembut merangkai kata
Hujan air mata
Membasahi kisahku
Dalam nuansa kelabu
Ku terperangkap karma
Tinta hitam pengawalku
Melawan hujan tangisan
Ku masih menuangkan
Rangkaian kata kisahku
Ku tak tahu entah sampai kapan
Ku tak tahu kapan akan usai
Mungkin sampai cinta sejatiku
Bawa diriku kabur dari kisah ini 

Cintaku Untuknya

Andai kau tahu malam tak kan indah tanpa bintang
Seperti taman tanpa bunga yang bermekaran
Jika kau ingin tahu
Apa yang membuat hatiku lebih indah
Jika ada dirinya dalam diriku
Jika ada jiwaku dalam jiwanya
Ribuan mil aku lalui
Bermiliyar rintangan aku hadapi
Ku tetap berjuang untuk hidup
Karena cintaku untuk jiwanya

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cahaya Motivasiku

Pernah suatu masa ku terpuruk tak berdaya
Tanpa cahaya tuk terangi jiwa gundah gulana
Hingga suatu ketika aku sadar
Jika setiap orang punya jalannya masing-masing
Itu jalanmu untuk tepat waktu
Ini jalanku untuk waktu yang tepat
Tiap ku rasa akan terjun ke jurang
Ku ingat kembali akan berjuta senyuman
Senyman dalam tangisan
Tangisan dalam senyuman
Hingga akhirnya Cahaya terangi jiwa
Usir segala kegelapan yang melanda
Keyakinan mulai tertata
Untuk semua jalan cerita
Yang telah ditorehkan oleh Allah Yang Maha Sempurna

Seperti Verb-ing Present Continous

Kamu itu laksana verb-ing
Seperti verb-ing dalam Present Continous
Identik sekali 
Polanya mudah diingat
Tuk identifikasi kelengkapan kalimat
Tuk analisa kejelasan tipe kalimat
iya memang sama
Tuk analisa kejelasan nuansa hati
Tuk semanyami ketegasan sikap
Antara suka , kagum , atau cinta 
Dan mungkin bisa jadi ketegasan akan kombinasi ketiganya 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Senja Kelabu

Senja kelabu selimuti hati
Terurai secercah harapan 
Penebus kegundahan
Cahaya ruang kegalauan
Dalam kelabu jiwa tanpa nada

Alunan indah penuh makna
Seketika jiwa terbagi dua
Untukmu dan Untuknya

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lintasan Semu

Lintasan Semu dalam hati yang terbelenggu
Antara kepastian rasa yang menggantung
Antara jiwa yang tak sampai 
Antara hati yang terabaikan
Inilah lintasan semu
yang pernah ku lewati 
Lintasan semu ini adalah bukti
Betapa egoisnya hati ini
Lintasan semu yang tak akan pernah kau lalui
Bagimu lintasan semu ini tak bisa terlewati
Karna kau telah temukan Lintasan nyata dalam hati 

Part time JOB

Having a part time job is really something new for me. I take it on March 2012 - now . I'm also glad because I have a great chance to  improve my teaching skill since my part time job as an English teacher in one of the English Course Institution in Salatiga. 

The important thing to have part time job is "TIME" , yaa I have to manage my time well. Since I'am still student of English Language Teaching Department, I have to manage my study time also. Therefore, I can handle my study and my part time job.

I learn many things from my part time job. I learn how to manage my time, my money , my comfort zone ( enjoy my free time, hang out with my friends, back to home. and etc.) well.

The great point which I can take from my part time job is that I can feel and know how to earn "MONEY" by myself. Then, I realize that to get money is not easy , I have to hard work with my ability and skill. In short, this is called an EXPERIENCE.

it's all about TIME "Graduation --> S.Pd "

" Lulus Kapan ?" " Sudah Lulus belum?"

Those questions have been asked recently to me.
I think it's okay if some people ask me those kind of question , because I've studied for almost 4 year , but I have not graduated yet. Then , some of my friends will graduate in July .  In short , I can't graduate in this lovely month "JULY" 2012. Yaaaa, it's not really a big deal for me.

I'd ever asked to my self  in the first time --> " Hey you nchan, why don't you graduate as soon as possible? , and then I realize that okay that's not my time to graduate from this beloved university, I must be positive thinking. I have to enjoy every single step in my life. I think Allah has written another awesome story for my life , so I have to thank to Allah . 

In different sentence, I can say " this is my way, and that is your way , I have to ride and enjoy  my way" . It's all about process. I belive I'll graduate in December 2012, that's a great moment for me and my parents, my family, and my friends. Thanks to all of my families and friends who support me in facing this kind of the real reality :D . 
All in all, I must say that I have to enjoy this great process ^_^

Daun Maple Arliza

- Daun Maple Arliza-

berawal dari sebuah daun Maple yang memberi inspirasi untuk Arliza dalam menggapai  mimpinya, kapanpun dia selalu berusaha dalam hidupnya . Sejenak Arliza merenung mencari solusi untuk permasalahan yang dihadapinya, dengan penuh kesabaran,dia berhasil selesaikan masalahnya, dia sadar masalah bukan untuk dihindari. Karena masalah itu untuk diselesaikan dan diambil hikmah,Arliza'pun semakin memahami arti kehidupan ini,hidup yg pnuh dg misteri, teka-teki . seperti teka-teki yang harus dijawab. Arliza'pun mencoba mencari petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mejawab teka-teki tersebut, sampai akhirnya dia menemukan jawaban-jawabannya. Keinginan Arliza untuk menikmati indahnya alam dibawah rindangnya pohon maple, beberapa tahun lagi akan segera terwujud . Berkat kesabarannyatiga, tiga tahun kemudian, Arliza berhasil wujudken mimpinya, dia mngambil 1 daun maple yang berguguran disekitar tempatnya menikmati keindahan alam Kanada

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Running Man | Korean Reality Show| really entertaining

Yaaaaaaaaaaaa..... Oppaaa .... Hyungg... "Hwaiting" (read :Fighting : means "Cheers")

"Monday Couple Ji hyo-Gary", " Haroro :Haha" , "Spartaaa Kook" , "Grasshopper Jae Suk" , "Giraffe  Hwang Soo" , "Big Nose Suk Jin" , and "Flower Boy  Joong Ki " --> Running Man cast !

When I felt bored  :p , I usually watch "Running Man" 
Maybe some of you don't know "Running Man", so let me share first about the Korean reality show " Running Man"

Running Man is a famous Korean reality show that would like to introduce places or famous buildings in Koreasuch as museumsstadiums, stations, apartments, ferries, theaterand much more.The event was hosted by eight person, they are 
Yoo Jae SukJi Suk JinKim Jong Kook,HaHaGary KangLi Gwang SooSong Joong Kiand Song Ji Hyo
However,  besides these eightpeopleon his show later brought in as well as artists (usually 1-3 people per episode) coming in as guest hosts.Eighth hostand guest hosts would eventually compete in various games prepared by the directorand each episode of the game could have been alternated.

Moreover , I'd already watched Running Man episode 1-96 , I was really entertained by watching it.  Instead of being entertained , watching Running Man gives me new knowledge about the Korean culture , the historical or famous building in Korea. Furthermore, I also can improve my English skill because the subtitle of Running Man is English. Besides that, I also like the effect of the Running Man video. 

I knew the reality show "Running Man " from my friend. The first time I watched it , I  felt being entertained and then I copied all of the Running Man videos. I can't wait to watch the newest videos of Running Man. Hopefully I can get it as soon as possible :D

All in all, I'll say "RUNNING MAN" is  a highly recommended  Korean reality show that you should watch !!! ^_^

Comment : Sungkyunkwan Scandal' Drama Series --> that's awesome

yeap watching Korean Drama Series "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" was really interesting.
In my view point , the story was really great , I was not bored when I watched it.
Let me share a little bit the story of Sungkyunkwan Scandal :

"Sungkyunkwan Scandal is set in Sungkyunkwan University in the late Joseon era during the reign of King Jeongjo, revolving around the exploits and love stories of four youths. When her younger brother's illness worsens and their family is in danger of being evicted from their house for lack of money, Kim Yoon Hee enters the school under his name, disguised as a boy in her desperation to support him. There, she becomes friends with the intelligent and upright Lee Sun Joon, the playboy Goo Yong Ha and rebellious Moon Jae Shin"

That's a short description about the film
Personally , my favorite characters in Sungkyunkwan Scandal are  :
 Lee So Joon , Kim Yoon Hee, Goo Yong Ha , and Moon Jae Shin

cartoon version :p

Lesson Plan Writing Class _ 1st Grade of Primary School Teaching English to Young Learners

Hi English teacher all over the world , I provide a lesson plan that I made with my university's friends when I took Teaching English to Young Learner class. Hopefully this lesson plan help you to teach young learners , Happy Teaching 

Lesson Plan
Writing Class _ 1st Grade of Primary School
Teaching English to Young Learners

Lesson Plan _Writing Class
School                         : Happy Primary School  ( Bilingual Primary School)
Subject                         : English_Writing Class
Level                           :  1st Grade of Primary School
Topic                           : Family members
Focus                           : Writing Vocabulary of  Family member
Skill                             :  Listening , Writing
Time Allocation          : 1x 35 minutes
Teacher                        : Ms.Diyah, Ms.Irma, Ms.Dewi, Ms.Rani, Ms.Candra
I.                   LEARNING  OBJECTIVE
By the end of the class, students will be able to:
1.1. Understand the family members
2.1.Understand  the members in the family
1.1.1.      Students will be able to mention the family members  with 90 % accuracy
2.1.1        Student will be able to write the family members with 80 % accuracy

1.      Puppets
2.      A3 drawing book
3.      Mix-Match Board
4.      Video of Finger Family Song


Pre teaching

Greet the students and  check attendance
Greet the teachers
Show video  “finger family”  about family
Watch the video
Ask the students about their families

Respond the teacher

Whilst teaching

Activity 1:
Present Family Puppet Show
Listen  to the story
Activity 2 :
Ask the student to come forward and trace the line on the paper board ( A3 drawing book)
Come forward  and trace the line
Activity 3 :
Ask the student to mix and match the family members
Come forward and mix-match the family member
Activity 4 :
Explain  how to introduce their family member through writing
Listen to the explanation
Ask the student to introduce their family member through writing
Write their family members’ name


Post teaching

Asked the students to read aloud their stories
Read aloud their stories

Review today’s lesson
Listen to their teachers

Greet the students
Greet the teachers




A video of “Finger Family”
Length = 1:03 minutes
Now we will watch the video about finger family, are you ready to watch the video?

Family Puppet Show
It is a beautiful house. Do you know who live there? Do you want to know who live there? Let’s get closer to the house. Knock the door three times. (knock-knock-knock!). Then let’s ask together: “Hallo…anybody here?”
Hai, I’m Father. Do you know how to write father? Follow Me!
(Puppet father on the left hand, write use the right hand on the whiteboard)
Repeat after me, Father! (Father)
Hai, I’m Mother. Do you know how to write mother? Follow Me!
(Puppet mother on the left hand, write use the right hand on the whiteboard)
Repeat after me, mother! (mother)
Hai, I’m Sister. Do you know how to write Sister? Follow Me!
(Puppet Sister on the left hand, write use the right hand on the whiteboard)
Repeat after me, Sister! (Sister)

Hai, I’m Brother. Do you know how to write Brother? Follow Me!
(Puppet Brother on the left hand, write use the right hand on the whiteboard)
Repeat after me, Brother! (Brother)
(Then, continue using the same pattern to teach “grandpa” and “grandma”)

“Trace the Line”
 Okay students, please come forward and trace the line of the word “father” , “mother” , “brother”, “sister”, “grandmother” , “grandfather”  , each picture is for two students. Are you ready? 
(p.s.= after each student  trace the line of their part , the teacher reinforce their knowledge about the picture : “ What does father mean, etc. ?”)

“Mix and Match” Game
Okay class, now we will do MIX MATCH game, you have to match the family member picture with the words, if you want to try and come forward, you will get price, are you ready?

In this game you have to connect the dots and write the word.  Let’s do the game !

“How to introduce the family members through writing”
Instructions: Okay, now we will learn how to introduce the name of our family members through writing.
You can use this format:
Hello , my  name is …………
My  father  is…………………
My mother is ………………..
My brother is……………….. / my brothers are………….
My sister is………………….../ my sisters are……………
My grandfather is……………
My grandmother is……………
For example :
Hello, my name is Angela
My father is John
My mother is Angela.
My brother is Jojo.
My sister is Zaskia.
My grandfather is  Broto
My grandmother is Menik.