
Sunday, November 30, 2014

a Research Presenter- My Second International Seminar

Research (again)?

Yap , Alhamdulillah , I got a perfect chance to be a presenter in the 6th International Seminar of FBS UKSW in 2012. At that time, I tried to submit my research to be  selected in the seminar. Alhamdulillah, the committee accepted my paper, and finally I presented it :).  I was so happy :). Moreover, I got many benefits in which I could share my research, practice my public speaking, communicate to the experts, and build a great network. 

Actually, I used my undergraduate final project ("skripsi") to be submitted in the International Seminar. Finally, it's accepted. The title of my research was " The Purposes of L1 in TEYL in Kindergarten" . The following abstract of my research  will give general overview toward my research. Hopefully, you will get a lesson from this posting. 


by : Candradewi  Wahyu  Anggraeni


Pro and cons in using L1 in English language classroom has been discussed for many years. The pro sides argue that using L1 in FL classroom will demotivate the learners in acquiring the target language. However, the cons sides revealed that using L1 in FL classroom gave positive effect in teaching-learning process, such as; to provide instructions or explanation, to manage or to discipline a class, to motivate students to learn L2, and to give comments on students’ works and progresses. Inspired by the pros and cons, this study has attempted to investigate the purposes of the teacher uses L1 when teaching bilingual-kindergarten students.  This paper is based on the classroom observations conducted in Satya Wacana Children Center, Salatiga. It aims at showing the use of L1 in Teaching English to Young Learners in kindergarten. The findings suggested that the purposes of using L1 still took important roles in teaching learning process.

Key words: Teaching English, Young Learner, The Purposes of L1

I was in action , yap I love it ^_^ ; presenting my research 

What is ODOJ?

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 
How's your life pals?
I hope you are okay.

Have you ever heard or known ODOJ?
Okay I'll give you this pic hint, look at this pic below 

Yeap, your're right , ODOJ stands for One Day One Juz, it is a awesome program initiated by the alumni of Qur'an House to facilitate and ease people in reciting the Holy Al-Quran with the target 1 day 1 juz. Reciting 1 day 1 juz becomes more fun and more motivated since it uses instant messanger ( WhatsApp, Bbm) to organize the "tilawah" group. (Tilawah is an activity to recite the Holy Qur'an). 

When you ask my a question : Do you join ODOJ? , I'll say Alhamdulillah YES, I join ODOJ. I am member of group tilawah ODOJ 1135. I am blessed to be the member of ODOJ. I'll also join the ODOJ community in Semarang. After joining ODOJ, I get many benefits of this program. At first, I feel like " Can I recite  1 day 1 juz?" , " Is it hard? " and etc. However, I can solve those things, because the other group's members always motivates me to do tilawah one day one juz. Then, I enjoy to do tilawah. Yeap, of course , it steps by step, it need a process. Moreover, I feel like close to Allah, and I feel so calm :), Thanks ODOJ. 

Right now, more than 90.000 people join ODOJ, let's join ODOJ ^_^

ODOJ got the charter award from MURI 


More info about ODOJ , please go to 

an advice

an advice

an advice

Friday, November 28, 2014

a Research Presenter - My First International Seminar

What's on your mind when you read the word "RESEARCH" ?
Do you think it's a confusing case?
Do you think it's a big problem?
Do you like it?
Do you love it?
Do you hate it?

Yeap , talking about research , it derives me to the idea of AMAZING thing, I love to conduct research, especially when it deals with educational field. I remembered when I  did research with my friends  for Research Method Final project. At that time , I was in my undergraduate study in English Education Department  of Satya Wacana Christian University. Luckily, my group took chance to present in the 5th International Seminar of FBS UKSW. We delivered our research in the conference. We were very proud and happy. Furthermore, it was also my first International conference in which I was the one of presenters who involved in the marvellous conference. My group research's title was

"The English Department CCU Students’ Perceptions Toward The Term of Best English"

by : Candradewi W.A. , Christianti T.H., Kharisma M. , and Wieke N.S 

Abstract of the research
In the era of World Englishes, the presence of various varieties of English starts to shift the Native speakers’ position as the central of learning English. As Kachru (1985:30) noted that the native speakers of English seem to have lost exclusive prerogative to control its standardization. Based on that claim, this study investigated the students’ perception toward the term of “The Best English” in order to find out more whether English learners still consider native speakers as the center of learning. This study surveyed 26 English Department, Satya Wacana Christian University students that attend Cross Culture Understanding course where they can learn various cultural perspectives in the era of World Englishes. All of participants   were asked to answer open-ended questionnaire that consisted of 10 questions related to “The Best English” in 10 minutes. The finding showed that the English Department CCU students’ perception about the term of Best English is still related to the native English speaker. Native English speaker is the center of learning English where they can consider that native speaker is someone who speaks English fluently and also with correct grammar and pronunciation. 
Key terms        : Students’ perception, Best English, World Englishes  

My group and Mr. Duncan ( my lecturer, he became the moderator of my group presentation session in the International Seminar) , from left : Christianti, Wieke, Mr. Duncan, me (Candra) , and Kharisma 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Dalam keheningan ku bersimpuh
Ku buka lembaran lembaran kitab MU
Ku temukan damai membaca sabda MU
Tuhan Ku Memohon...Tuhan Ku Memohon
Pancarkan cahaya di hidupku

Tuhan ku percaya
Engkau pasti telah
Merencanakan yang terbaik
Untuk diriku
Agar ku tak jatuh
dan s'lalu ada di jalan MU
sumber lirik :
Tak perlu ku lihat tanpa ku mendengar
Dapat kurasakan..slalu ku rasakan...
Betapa besarnya kuasaMU

Tuhan ku percaya
Engkau pasti telah
Merencanakan yang terbaik
Untuk diriku
Agar ku tak jatuh
dan s'lalu ada di jalan MU

Kepada MU
ku meminta
ku menyembah
ku bersujud

Tuhan aku percaya
Kau pasti berikan
Telah KAU sediakan semua
Bagi hamba MU
Tanpa KAU bedakan

Tuhan jangan biarkan
Hatiku mengeluh
meragukan rahmat MU
Tuhan hanya engkaulah
Penuntun langkahku tuk slalu..
Ada di jalan MU
Tetap di jalan MU

Friday, October 3, 2014

Awesome Subjects of English Education in Graduate Program UNNES

Hi guys, how's your life?
Hopefully, you are in a good condition :) 

Talking about the subjects in Graduate Program, it does not always deal with complicated subjects. Yap, the subjects are not complicated , but the assignments are (sometimes), hehehhe. There is no slightly different between the English Education subjects in undergraduate and graduate program. Okay, let me share you about the subjects in my undergraduate study when I was in FBS UKSW 2008-2012 (the data or name perhaps different since it uses different terms or curriculum now) , here they are:

Interpersonal Listening, Interpersonal Speaking, Integrated Course, Transactional Speaking, Public Listening, Basic Grammar, Guided Writing, Introduction to Language Education, Introduction to Linguistics, Narrative and Descriptive Writing, Reading Skills, Introduction to Literature, TEFL, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraam, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Critical Reading, Expository and Argumentative Writing, Reading Across Genre, Introduction to Researh, Prose, Language Assessment, Psycholinguistic of Language Learning, Academic Listening, Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar, Pendidikan Agama, Academic Reading, English to Indonesia Translation, Poetry, Academic Writing, Phonetic and Phonology, Research Method, Curriculum and Material Development, Sociolinguistics, Cross Cultural Understanding, Morphology and Syntax, Bahasa Indonesia, Ilmu Kealaman Dasar, Drama, Proposal and Report Writing, Semantics, Indonesian to English Translation, Micro Teaching, English for Specific Purposes , American Culture and Literature, Teaching English to Young Learners, Teaching Practicum, Advanced Grammar, Extensive Reading, Public Speaking, Intermediate Grammar, Literature for English as Foreign Language, Thesis, International Business and Management, Teaching Indonesian as Foreign Language, English Language Teachinhg Management, Proficiency Test, and Discourse Analysis.

I know pal your responses will be " what are they, dude? ",, hahahhaha, yappp the sks number of subjects are 149 sks. Luckily I got good GPA at that time. Yap, I must struggle to achive the GPA. 

Now , I meet  another awesome subjects in my graduate program to reach M.Pd degree , yeay, The subjects cover :

Semester 1 :  Research in Education, Advanced Writing, Research in English Language Teaching, Systemic Fuctional Grammar, Theories of Language Teaching and Learning, Foundations of Education

Semester 2 : Semantics, English for Various Instructions, Discourse Studies, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics

Semester 3 : Language Acquisition, Assessment in English Language Teaching, Educational Management and Supervision, Translation Studies, Thesis Proposal Writing

Semester 4 : Thesis 

The number of sks in graduate program of English Education in UNNES are 54 sks. 

Yap , some of the subjects in graduate program are the same as the subjects in undergraduate program. However , the assignments are different and more complex. Okay , when some people ask me : why do you continue your study? Yap, there are several reasons : InsyaAllah I wanna be a lecturer in University level, I wanna be a professional educator/ expert in English Education field. 

Based on the leaflet of  English Education Graduate Program in UNNES, the aims of the program:
It produces experts with Master of Education (Magister Pendidikan) qualification in English Education who 1) have a professional competence in teaching English as foreign language, 2) being able to develop self-individual, students, and society through the responsibles ways scientifically, morally, and socially, 3) being able to participate actively, creatively, and dynamically in the development of society in the local, regional, national, and international levels, 4) Being excellent in competition and collaboration  fairly and being responsible to achieve the prosperous of world's society. 

Hopefully, I can achieve those aims, aamiin , wish me luck ^_^

Thanks a million

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Unit 6 : Supervision is Communication

Name   : CANDRADEWI  WAHYU  ANGGRAENI / 0203513035


Time    : MONDAY at 07.00-09.30  in D18

Book    : EDU 710  Supervision of Instruction in Education

Unit     : 6


Supervision is Communication

            Communication is an important core in socialization with others. Besides, there is no exception to a supervisor for having a good communication. The supervisor also needs communication to supervise the case. The topic “supervision is communication” covers three main aspects that are important to be grasped. Those are the nature of communication, the role of emotion in communication, and extra communication tasks of the supervisor. The nature of communication deals with three viewpoints of the communication term. Those three points can be compiled as the communication is the way to transmit information, emotion, values, insight in order to share individuals feelings, purposes, and knowledge so that the individuals know what another thinks, feel, or believes. It shows that communication takes valuable part in a society since it contributes to the success of socialization with others. 

            In communication, emotion has a core function to the quality of communication. Therefore, it is essential to know the role of emotion in communication in order to get successful communication. It is not easy to get successful communication because there will be emotional disturbance that should be managed. The effect of emotional disturbance of individuals and lack of trust among member groups restrict the communication. It also makes the individual do not focus on what should be done. For instance, someone who get the emotional disturbance is unwilling to take the time to consider others idea until his or her disturbance is diminished. A trust feeling is notable for a supervisor since it helps the supervisor to increase the communication with the people involved. Furthermore, emotions represent the first with which a supervisor must be focused. 

            Talking about emotional disturbance cannot be separated by barriers to communication. The barriers to communication cover people use symbols on words that have different meaning, members of the group have different value, emphasis on status, conflict in interest, making decision by the majority vote rather than seeking consensus, attempt to keep feeling out of the discussion, use of words to prevent thinking, vested interest, and feeling of superiority. Furthermore, a supervisor have to cope the barriers to communication in order to be responsible in supervising, so that there will not misunderstand among the individuals. 

            Moreover there are several extra communication task of the supervisor in order to achieve the success of communication. Since the supervisor has the role as a sender, a receiver, and a facilitator, it is needed for the supervisor to encourage people to know and value each other.  The supervisor also provides opportunities for social interaction and helps people to get information about the backgrounds and achievements of others. In addition, the supervisor needs to provide physical arrangement in which contribute to better communication. The physical arrangement deal with four points; 1) make sure about the location for the meetings and conferences that are planned, 2) seek to identify areas of agreement and areas of disagreement, 3) seek to develop permissive atmosphere, 4) reflect to the group what we think the group has said. All in all, a good supervision deals with a good communication, since supervision is communication.

Supervision is Communication

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Kapan kita dikatakan khilaf? Apakah setelah  kita melakukan kesalahan yang sebenarnya kita tahu itu salah? Ataukah ketika kita melakukan kesalahan yang mana kita tidak tahu kalau itu salah? Tak bisa dipungkiri kita sebagai manusia pernah melakukan kekhilafan dalam hidup kita.  Yang terpenting kita bisa mengambil hikmah dari kekhilafan tersebut dan tidak akan mengulanginya lagi. Entah apa yang terjadi jika kekhilafan itu sering kali diulang-ulang. Kalupun di ulang-ulang  itu bukanlah kekhilafan akan tetapi sebuah kebiasaan buruk yang harus di hindari. 

Khilaf itu tidak hanya  merugikan diri sendiri tapi juga terkadang merugikan orang lain. Dimana kita harus bisa  menghindari hal-hal negatif sehingga kita terhindar dari “khilaf”. Pentingnya meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kita . Selain itu kita perlu mengingatkan dan memberi nasehat  kepada  orang-orang disekitar kita yang sekiranya  mau , sedang, ataupun sudah melakukan hal-hal yang negatif. Sebagai manusia , kita harus saling mengingatkan untuk kebaikan. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah, aamiin. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jalanku yang Indah #Day1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 
Subhanallah, Subhanallah, Subhanallah
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah 
AllahuAkbar, AllahuAkbar, AllahuAkbar

Apa kabar sahabat-sahabatku, sudah lama aku tidak bersu disini. Terimakasih kepada para sahabat yang perhatian menanyakan "Kapan nulis lagi di blog?". Sudah lama memang aku nampak sedikit sibuk dengan dunia perkuliahan hingga aku "lupa" untuk menulis disini. Maafkan aku blogku karena aku jarang menengokmu. :)

Dalam tulisan ini, aku akan membawa para sahabat berjalan-jalan menyusuri "Jalanku yang Indah". Jalan ini adalah sesuatu yang membawaku menuju ke sebuah tempat.Tempat indah dihiasi dengan ketaqwaan, keimanan, keikhlasan, kejujuran, ketaatan, dan kesabaran. Penuh perjuangan untuk melewati jalan ini. Sampai detik inipun aku masih berusaha dan berdoa untuk jalanku ini.  

Terkadang pertanyaan bersautan di hati: apa aku bisa? apa aku mampu? apa aku layak?, dan terdengar suara hatin kecilku : semua butuh proses , KAMU BISA, KAMU MAMPU, KAMU LAYAK untuk menjadi muslimah yang baik. InsyaAllah, aamiin. 

Iya memang aku bukan ahli agama yang tahu segalanya.Akan tetapi aku harus beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT. Berawal dari keputusanku menggunakan kerudung/hijab pada tahun 2008, waktu itu keputusanku untuk berhijab berawal dari keinginanku untuk menunjukan jati diriku bahwa aku Islam, kala itu aku kuliah di salah satu universitas Kristen. Begitu banyak tantangan aku hadapi ketika berhijab, dari yang dulu masih pakai celana jeans dan berkerudung, sampai  masih labil kadang pakai jeans kadang rok. Dan Alhamdulillah sekarang ini setelah melewati proses tersebut dan banyaknya dukungan dari para sahabat, aku memutuskan untuk istiqomah berhijab sesuai perintah, mengenakan rok dan baju yang tidak ketat, Ingin sekali rasanya konsisten mengenakan khimar. InsyaAllah,  iya ini masih proses dan membutuhkan waktu untuk bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi. Semoga para sahabat yang membaca tulisanku ini berkenan untuk mendoakanku agar bisa menjadi muslimah yang lebih baik lagi, aamiin.

Alhamdulillah, Allah memberiku kesempatan untuk berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang membawaku ke jalan-Nya. Aku dipertemukan dengan komunitas ODOJ (One Day One Juz). Komunitas yang membuatku untuk terbiasa tilawah / mengaji 1 hari 1 juz. Aku ikut ODOJ sejak Februari 2014, dan Alhamdulillah sejak ikut ODOJ, aku menemukan rasa mencintai Al Qur'an yang dulu belum pernah aku rasakan. Di awal langkah untuk tilawah 1 hari 1 juz itu begitu berat karena itu bukan kebiasaanku, mengubah kebiasaan itu memang sangat membutuhkan proses. Iya memang kuncinya "proses" dan sabar. Alhamdulillah, anggota ODOJ yang lain selalu memotivasi untuk selalu semangat tilawah. Semoga aku bisa selalu istiqomah,aamiin 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Goodbye 1, Welcome 2

Assalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh
 Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua,

Nah yang sedang baca postingan ini sepertinya sedang bahagia nih, iya kan ngaku aja kalau bahagia, pasti kamu tanya dalam hati "Kok, tahu sih kalau aku sedang bahagia?" , Ya iyalah pastinya aku tahu , soalnya kamu bahagia karena aku telah kembali lagi untuk menulis postingan di blog ini *abaikan*. Kamu pasti merindukan tulisan-tulisanku yang membahana , iya kan ? ngaku aja deh *nyodoring sekuntum mawar melati semuanya indah #plak *

Yap Yap Yap , khaifa khaluq ya akhi ya ukhti? *sok sokan pake bahasa Arab* , hhhehehe, apa kabar sohib-sohibku? Semoga selalu sehat lahir dan batin ya, aamiin

Pasti kamu, kamu, dan kamu bertanya-tanya cinta dalam hati, itu apaan sih Good Bye 1, Welcome 2 ????? bertanya gitu nggak? kalo nggak ya pura-puranya bertanya kayak gitu ya, hahahhahaha

Dialog di bawah ini akan mengungkap apa maksud sebenarnya di balik frasa 
                                           "Good Bye 1, Welcome 2" -----> 
Dialog antara Lala, Yeye, dan Lulu yang ngakunya anak gaul tingkat kecamatan * LalalalaYeyeyyeyeLulululYyeyeye*- mereka bukan penonton bayaran kok, tenang aja-

Lala : Ye, lo tau nggak sih maksud Good Bye 1, Welcome 2?

Yeye: yaelah , lo ga tau gituan? jadul banget sih -_-

Lala : Gue tanya lo tau ato nggak? Malah jadul-jadulin orang 

Yeye : Oke dengerin penjelasan gue yah,Good Bye sama Welcome itu bisa lo temuin dan lo beli  di toko, paham ga lo?

Lala: Maksud lo ? emang itu jajanan ato barang gitu? *Lala pasang muka linglung*

Yeye : alamak, ajegile lo ga tau begituan , nih ya Good Bye itu merk kopi , Welcome itu keset , jadi Good Bye 1, Welcome 2 , itu beli kopi 1 dan keset 2, gitu lohhhhhh *Yeye pasang muka penuh wibawa*

Lala :   Yeye Yeye Yeye , lo makin lama makin kongslet aja deh, merk kopi buka Good Bye tapi Good Day, Welcome itu bukan keset tapi itu kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang artinyahhh Selamat Datang , paham ga lo? 

Yeye : ahh gue mah ga percaya sama lo, jelas-jelas kata bebek gue, welcome itu bahasa Inggris dari keset, nih buktinya 

*Lulu menghampiri Lala dan Yeye, karena dia penasaran dengan apa yang diperdebatkan antara Lala dan Yeye*
Lulu : hmmm,lo pada ngapain sih , kayaknya seru amat , bahas apaan sih?

Yeye: duh , kepo banget sih lo Lu jadi orang , hahahahha