Assalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh
Nice to see you today , you look so beautiful , you look so handsome , you look so excellent my pals. How are you today?????
Have you ever visited Lawang Sewu?
If you have ever visited it , I'll ask you again : Have you ever explored the underground of LAWANG SEWU? If yes , what's your first impression when you were in? Afraid/ Excited/ Happy/ Sad????
My heart, my soul and my mind *okay my language is so "lebay" , wkkwkw* felt so excited and happy when I had a chance to explore the underground of Lawang Sewu. lalalayeyeylallayeyey . This awesome experience began when my beloved friends and I visited Lawang Sewu.
my beloved friends ( from the left :Tanti, Rayinda, Uni, Dyah, Idha,Fita, Me, Winda) |
This was my second time to say hello to Lawang Sewu. For the first time I just explored the uniqueness architecture of it without exploring the underground. Then this second time, I must be in the Lawang Sewu's underground. Finally, I made it, uuyeaahhh
For the information, the ticket fee was Rp 10.000/ person to enter Lawang Sewu , and you had to pay Rp 30.000 for the LW' guide. The guide would explain about the history of LW. I suggested you to visit LW in a group because it could save the money for paying the guide.
Furthermore, we followed the guide's explanation , and the guide also answered our questions excitedly. Besides, he also became our photographer and we acted as proffesional models .hehehhee . Then, we arrived in a room that had an access to get in the underground. Only 6 of us who decided to explore it. We had to pay Rp 10.000 /person to rent the boots ,and we should give additional tip (it's about Rp 20.000) for the guide to explore the underground.
we posed first before entering the underground |
As you can see in this left picture, we worn the boots. We must wear the boots because there's water in the underground. Moreover, we were also given some flashlight to light our way in exploring the underground , since there's no enough light in. Personally, I was so curious about the underground condition.Was the atmosphere creepy? Could I see "something"? These kind of questions emerged in my mind before I started to go in.
the downstair as a access to the underground |
The picture in your left side, the downstairs was an access to go to the underground. We had to walk one by one. The first impression when we started the exploration, I smelt the rancid aroma and quiet musty. The guide warned us to walk slowly and be baned to shout. The guide started to explained the history of the underground. Let me sum up the guide's explanation. So , the underground of Lawang Sewu established in 1904 (the same as the Lawang Sewu building was built). The first function of the underground was for the water system (in Dutch' colonization) . However, In Japan's colonization , it was used for different function as the underground prison. The prisoners were executed in this prison , then their corpse were threw away in the river next to the Lawang Sewu building.Can you imagine how cruelity of Japanese colonizer at that time?.
This picture below was the shape of the prison. The square shape below was the Squat Prison (Penjara Jongkok) and the size was 1x1 metre. One squat prison was for 5 person.Therefore, the prisoners must squat in the prison and there was water in. Besides, the prison was closed by the iron framework. They were not given food. They were in the prisons until they dead.When I saw the sorrounding of this prison , I didn't see "something" that I wanted to see, hehehhehehe. However, I sensed different atmosphere here. No wonder , this was superb historical place which many slaughter happened in this place.
This picture below was the shape of the prison. The square shape below was the Squat Prison (Penjara Jongkok) and the size was 1x1 metre. One squat prison was for 5 person.Therefore, the prisoners must squat in the prison and there was water in. Besides, the prison was closed by the iron framework. They were not given food. They were in the prisons until they dead.When I saw the sorrounding of this prison , I didn't see "something" that I wanted to see, hehehhehehe. However, I sensed different atmosphere here. No wonder , this was superb historical place which many slaughter happened in this place.
The picture below was the second type of the prison , named the standing prison (Penjara Berdiri) . As you can see the shape of it, these prison were also filled by 5 person , and they were in till they dead. Did you see the small spot in the dark part of this photo? It was called "orbs" , i.e. something in the shape of a sphere. There was 2 orbs behind me . As far as I knew , the orbs indicated that there were astral things around.

Furthermore, my friends' smile in the above photos was a fake smile ,hahahahah . Actually they felt afraid,they didn't want to be in the back , and they wanted to be in the front part. So , I was in the back bacause I was brave enough , hahahhahahah . After we were captured , we continued the journey. In the middle of the journey , I smelt the fragrant aroma of the jasmine. Whoaaa , what was the sign of it??? When I asked my friends , they didn't smell anything. Maybe, one of the astral spirit would communicate with me or say hello to me via the aroma.Then, I got goosebumps.
Furthermore, my friends' smile in the above photos was a fake smile ,
Yeap , we were in the corridor of the Lawang Sewu underground. In this area, I didn't smell the fragrant aroma anymore. However , I felt the slightly different atmosphere when I was in the outside and I was in the underground. I could feel the sadness atmosphere in.
All in all , exploring the underground of Lawang Sewu was so superb . I learned the history again. I could feel the different atmosphere. I also got welcoming greeting from one of the astral spirit eventhough it was only the fragrant aroma of jasmine. Thanks a million for my pals who invited me to visit Lawang Sewu . I hope I can visit Lawang Sewu again and I can explore the underground at night. I believe there will be slightly different atmosphere if I am in Lawang Sewu in the evening or at night.
Thanks a bunch for reading my experience. See you
Wassalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh
aduh keliatannya udah serem banget...
ReplyDeletecoba kalo kesana pas malem2, bakalan beras-banget sensasinya...hiiii
kalo siang ga begitu serem kok Fara ^_^ , tapi y ttp pas di ruang bawah tanahnya agak gelap gulita, heheh
Deletenah iya kalau pas malem lebih terasa sensasi seremnya ,hehhehe
wew mau dong ke semarang,, pengen ke lawang sewu. :3
ReplyDeletebeneran kak kecium bau bunga melati?? hih sereemm jugak ya -___-"
tapi kerenn.... kapan2 pengen kesana ah.
eh itu kenapa narsis smua ya -__-" mau dong foto bareng #ehh :{D
Ayo Bang Erick , ke semarang ^_^
Delete, yoi bang beneran q sndiri yg ngcium aroma bunga melati waktu di lorong penjara berdiri
heheh iya kami agak narsis , yukk mariii foto bareng ^^
I have already visited here mbak!! but I didn't go down to the underground part because the guide didn't let us to go there..huhuhu..
ReplyDeleteI miss Semaraaaang...
tumben mbaaaak sharing blognyaaaa..keep writing yaaaaaaaaaaaak :D
Okesipp dek , why did the guide forbid u to go to the underground?
DeleteYeappp , kapan pulkam?
heheh iya ni dek lagi sempet share ...xixiixix ,,, yap2 Keep Writing ^_^
selalu SEMANGAT y dek meykke :*
somehow, i wanna go there alone.
ReplyDeleteexploring those awesome part all by myself. :D
Moga2 gak nyasar :D
Aamiin , moga ga nyasar ^_^ , siph2
Deleteyou should go there alone in the evening or at night ^_^ , then u'll feel the "different" athmosphere , hehehe
ini yang kata orang orang nyeremin itu kan? masih bisa foto foto lagi.. eh, liat liat.. di fotonya ada... hiiiii coba liat deh :p
ReplyDeletekok gambarnya telihat horror gitu ya -__-
hehhe iya katanya nyeremmin , tpi ga begitu nyeremin kok Bang Kukuh ^_^ ,
Deleteheheh iya wt m'abadikan momen d.ruang bawah tanah ,,
iya lihat yang foto mana Bang?
gambar mna bang yang horor ? yang di penjara berdiri itu ya? memang di situ atmosfernya paling beda sendiri dengan tempat lainnya :)
Pray for me : next year i must visit it #eaaa hhee
ReplyDeleteAamiin dek Fitri ^_^
Delete, yappp you must visit it :)
Banyak banget orangnya........ di foto pertama ada 4 ._.. di foto kedua ada 11 .. kamu berapa orang kesana? 15 kah? bawa adek mu juga yahh ..
ReplyDeleteiya banyak Bang Ajie ^_^ , bwa banyak pokonya, lhoo kok tau klo bawa adek juga , bukannya kamu juga ikut ya :p , huehehehehe
DeleteBertahun-tahun pengen kesana, tapi belom kesampean. Itu kok berani banget foto-foto dilawang seru? Ga takut fotonya berubah bentuk. Hehehe.
ReplyDeleteNah, ayoo kesana Bang Rahmat :D
Deletehehheh fotonya berubah bentuk jadi apa? hehe
ReplyDeletewah.. serri banget nich.. ternyata tentara jepang memang sadis-sadis ya?? Masak saja sekalian tuh makhlum pribumi, pake dibuang ke sungai segala? Memangnya bangkai tikus apa!!
Mari, isi kemerdekaan dengan prestasi kita semua..
Sip, kayaknya ini blog baru nich yang aku kunjungi. Jadi, aku ini pendatang baru..
Ini komentar perdana lho!! Salam kenal kakak...
iya dek Agha , memang dulu sadis2 gitu :(
DeleteOkesiippp dek bener banget, mari kita berikan kontribusi kita sebagai generasi muda untuk kemajuan negara tercinta kita Indonesia ^.^9 , heheh
Waaahhhh maturnuwun lho dek , heheh
Salam kenal juga dek :)
terimakasih kakak..
Deletesalam kenal...
aku udah follow facebooknya.. follow blogku ya kak...
terimakasih banyak,. insyaallah aku rajin ke sini lho!! hehe
okesssippp dek :)
Deleteokesipp I'll follow ur blog
facebook ato twitter dek , kyke twitter kn? hehehe
sama2 dek , xie-xie jg ya =D
Another english post... Serem banget kayaknya, apalagi ketangkep 'orbs' di kamera. Tapi narsisnya tetep yah, heuheueheu...
ReplyDeleteiya Bang Elang :D
Deletehehhe iya bisa k.tangkep "orbs"nya n tten narsis jg , kan kita narsisnya berguru dri km bang , hehehhe :p
aduuh mmmak, foto-foto di lawang sewu awas ada penampakannya loh yawn :v
ReplyDeleteiyaaaa maakkkk , ayoo kapan2 ke lawang sewu malem2 trus explore ruang bawah tanahnya :D
Deletepengalaman astralnya bikin aku jadi pengen main kesana nih -_-
ReplyDeleteNahhh ayoo Bang Huda , mampirlah ke Lawang Sewu ^_^
Deleteketemu ama penampakan yang ada di dunia lain gak tu??