Danur is one of the novel that I have recently read. In my humble opinion , Danur is an awesome novel. Why is it awesome? Do you wanna know the reason, don't you? hehehe. It is awesome because it has unique-genre which tell the real story of the Danur' writer who can communicate with " the ghost''.It sounds so creepy, doesn't it? , However, I enjoyed when I was reading it. Am I too weird? hahahha. Personally, I'm interested in "creepy" / mysterious thing. I don't know why I like it , yaapz just like it.Ohh yaa , just for information , the meaning of Danur is " kind of water that comes from the corpse". Besides the writer also write this novel song entitled "Danur". If you wanna search it , just search : Danur by Risa Saraswati. The song is so superb.
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Finally I got Danur novel ! |
Finally , I got it . Yeah , I finished to read the novel in 2 days. I got goosebumps when I read it, because the stories supported me to get the goosebumps athmosphere. All of the stories are discussed about the ghosts, friendship , love story, life story , and etc. There are 13 chapters in the novel, those are :
1. Anjung Temayun
2.Sendiri Di Atas Bentala
3.Caping Wajah William
4.Filosofi Gigi
5.Filantropi Semu
6.Mengeram Janji Samantha
7.Danur Kasih
8.Sarah..kau bukan parasit
9.Delima-Delima Ermawar
10.Surat Tanpa Tuan
11.Gericau Dalam Tuli
12.Menggantih Luka Ardiah
13.Menemukan Jarum Dalam Jerami
Personally , I totally like all of the chapters. However, my favorite chapter is "Anjung Temayun" , because it is the story when the writer met her "unseen" friends. ^__^ . When I read it , I also felt that her "unseen" friends looked at me, and they sat beside me. It sounds so creepy, doesn't it? hahahha.
Furthermore, the writer decicated Danur novel to her "unseen" friends. They are Peter, William, Hans, Hendrick,and Janshen. They are the writer's bestfriend. They met in the writer's home when she was child. She described them as nice and handsome "unseen" friends (Dutch boys). At that time, before died, they lived in Indonesia with their parents. As we know , there were some Dutchmen lived in Indonesia. Moreover, In her novel , she told the story about why and how did her "unseen" friend die? . The story was so sad because almost all of them died because the Nippon colonizers killed them in a brutal way.
Besides , the other ghosts asked the writer to help them. For instance, in the chapter "Mengeram Janji Samantha" , Samantha (the ghost) asked the writer to help her in finding their parents. Samantha died because her illness. She said that her parents went to Netherland to get the medicines for her. But, they never came back to Indonesia until Samantha died. Although Samantha knew that her parents also died. Based on Samantha' story , she said that her parents promised that they would visited her as soon as possible, after they went to Netherland . However, they didn't come up to now. Maybe , there was something 'bad' happened with them. No one knew. Personally, the writer didn't promise Samatha if the writer could help her or not. The one thing that the writer did was that she gave advice to Samatha. Samantha should be positive thinking about her parents, because Samantha still had negative thinking about them , so she couldn't die peacefully.
Each chapters also told about the different ghosts , the way the ghost die, the problems that cause the ghosts still meander (gentayangan) , and etc. In my humble opinion, I got many lesson in the novel. The lessons are :
1. I have to face the problems in my life , and solve them.
2. I must be positive thinking in every condition and situation.
3. I have to be a good person for the others
4. I need to help the others as long as I can contribute my self.
5. I have to always thank to God who still give me chance to live in this world.
All in all , I recommended this novel to be read. Just for the information , this novel is available in Gramedia book store.
The title : Danur
The writer : Risa Saraswati
The publisher : Bukune
The price : Rp 30.000
The total page : 207 pages
Thanks a bunch to read my posting.See you next time
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