
Friday, December 27, 2013

Tutorial Hijab vs Tutorial Sarung

Howdy guys,
How's your life?
I hope you are always happy :)
Let's say Alhamdulillah , Thanks Allah , You still give me chance to live and to read this excellent blog , #eh :p , hahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahha

Yeappp , have you ever known or seen Tutorial Hijab??????????????
We can't avoided that there are so many hijab trends in Indonesia, this style , that style, these styles , those styles , lalalalyeyeyeyyelallalayeyyeye

It seems that the "value" of wearing veil is faded, it's only as a trend ???? No one knows , it depends on the person who wears it. I've ever read an opinion about "Hijab trend" from a Christian friend in his kaskus entitled --> NO SARA : Ketika Penggunaan Hijab Salah Kaprah (Kritikan Seorang saudara Kristiani) .  I recommend you to read his writing -->[755391581141114]&action_type_map=[%22og.likes%22]&action_ref_map=[]  .

His writing is nice since he gives his viewpoints about the hijab trend's phenomenon in which the one who wears it seem to "get lost" in the essence / function of wearing veil or hijab.

So if hijab tutorial become mainstream ,  I'll give you an anti-mainstream -->

Sarung Tutorial (it's like a critique , can you get it, can't you?) 

Love RoseS

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
How's your life my pals?

What's on your mind when you see this pic? 

Is it beautiful/special/ elegant/awesome/lovely / ordinary?

I, my self view that the pic above is so awesome.  Roses are so elegant , I do love roses. I don't know why I love roses, especially roses on the piano/violin 
awesome >,<

pink roses ,so lovely

whatever the colors are , I LOVE THEM

no need birthday' cake in my 23 birthday, I want this in my birthday (23 years old) #eh

great combination, so romantic

lovely | it's so awesome when there is someone who playing a piano and give these roses

red roses , so special

awesome combination

book and red rose are so elegant


Friday, December 13, 2013


"jika aku jatuh cinta" is a lovely poem that I've ever read , so what do you think about this poem? check it out : 

  Ya Allah jika aku jatuh cinta,
Cintakan aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu,
Agar bertambah kekuatanku mencintaiMu....
Ya Muhaimin jika aku jatuh hati,
Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati
Seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMu,

Agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu....
Ya Rabbana jika aku jatuh hati,
Jagalah hatiku agar tidak berpaling daripada hatiMu....

Ya Rabbul Izzati jika aku rindu, 
Rindukanlah aku pada seseorang
Yang merindui syahid di jalanMu....

Ya Allah jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihMu,
Janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi
Kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMu.....

Ya Allah jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihMu,
Jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh
Dalam perjalanan jauh menyeru manusia kepadaMu.....

Ya Allah jika kau halalkan aku merindui kekasihMu,
Jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepadaMu.....


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the MomenT

Standing for a while
Waiting for a meet
It's only your smile which give me spirit 
Spirit of the soul which shines the happiness
Happiness is here
"Happyness" is there
Our soul is near, is going nowhere
"Where" might not be a place
"Where" could be a way
There, we've got a palace
There, we'll together stay

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Awesome Designs

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
,How's your life my beloved pals?

Do you agree with this statement that " picture can tell everything" ?
Yeap, personally I do agree with it because there are so many literal and figurative meanings in. Moreover, the designer of the pics gives the messages in the pics. For instance, the desingners of AL Fatih Studios who give the Islamic moral values through their pictures. I love the pics because they give me many lesson. Let's check them out : 
(the licence of these pictures is in )

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


It's clear
It's obvious
I'm here
You're there
We have different visions
We have different principles
We have different idea
Those can't be compiled into "one"
You want this
I want that
You want those 
I want these
So, that was a "good" solution
for us, for them, for her, for him
for our future 
you and yours
I and mine 
we'll be happy with ours , someday
thanks to "teach" me
let's say hello to our own new path 
I'll wait to see your "happiness"
You'll wait to see my "happiness"
Happiness in "sadness"
Sadness in "happiness"
When "nothing" says "something"
When "something"  becomes "nothing"
That's all

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fragrant of Soul

in this full heart inside the broken heart
in the frontier of  love
in the frontier of amazement
                                    see the attention
                                    feel the change
                                    listen the honest voice
                                    the voice of the truth 
                                    healing the pain
                           erase all the bad memories
                     start to smile 
             start to hope
         start to see the star 
start to see the sun
sun of my sunshine 

Empty Space

Please talk in front of me
Don't talk behind me
Your words are so "nice" to my ear
But it hurt my heart (maybe)
But it's okay rather than you say a lie
Please talk in front of me
Say the truth though it hurts 
Please talk in front of me 
Say everything 
Until you have nothing to say
I'll say thankyou 
For your honesty 
Don't talk behind me 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Awesome Words of Darwis Tere Liye

Assalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh
Good evening pals ,
Hey you , the one who is reading this post , yeap you , you are absolutely awesome , hheheheh 
How's your life? I hope all of you are always in a great condition , aamiin

Guys, have you ever heard about an excellent Indonesian novelist , named Darwis Tere Liye (pen name) ? 
Yeap , you're right. He is the author of 16 novels ,those are Hafalan Shalat Delisa, Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin, Negeri Para Bedebah, Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong, Eliana, Berjuta Rasanya, Pukat, Moga Bunda Disayang Allah ,Bidadari-Bidadari Surga ,Sang Penandai , Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu,Mimpi-Mimpi Si Patah Hati, Cintaku Antara Jakarta & Kuala Lumpur, Senja Bersama Rosie , Sepotong Hati Yang Baru, Kau Aku & Sepucuk Angpau Merah

 The picture on your left side is the novels. Moreover, I haven't read the novels yet :( . I have to save my money to buy some of the novels.,,hehehe  . Furthermore, some of the novels have been made the movies, such as Hafalan Shalat Delisa and Bidadari-bidadari Surga.  

I know Darwis Tere Liye from his facebook fanpage = . I love his posting in the facebook . I really like the awesome advice , comments, critique of something. These are some of the posting  that I like the most :

Tidak seperti papan tulis, coretannya bisa dihapus bersih. Coretan di hati tidak bisa dihapus bersih. Bahkan saat kita benar-benar lupa, coretan itu tetap ada (di hati orang lain, dan atau banyak orang lain).

Wanita adalah mahkluk kepastian. Sebagian besar dari mereka bisa menunggu dengan sabar datangnya kepastian tersebut; menunggu, menunggu dan terusss menunggu.Maka, biar momen menunggu itu tetap berkualitas, mari diisi dengan hal-hal yang positif. Sibukkan diri dengan aktivitas bermanfaat. Terus memperbaiki diri. Nah, kalau ternyata si mister x itu nggak nyadar-nyadar juga ditungguin, malah nyantol ke tempat lain, setidaknya momen menunggunya tidak sia-sia.”

Tidak semua luka harus dibayar dengan luka 

"Tidak semua orang mendapatkan pilihan pertama dalam hidup ini. Tapi kita bisa hidup sama bahagianya dengan mereka, meski hanya mendapatkan pilihan kedua, ketiga, atau bahkan keseratus-satu."

Kadang kita memikirkan seseorang, menunggu reply sms, komen atau membaca postingan kita, menanti dia online, dsbgnya. Tapi nyatanya seseorang itu justeru sedang asyik dgn orang lainnya lagi.Jadi lebih baik sibukkan diri memikirkan dan mengerjakan hal lain. Apalagi weekend gini, mending bantuin pekerjaan orang tua di rumah. Ngepel, nyuci, nyikat kamar mandi, benerin genteng, dsbgnya.

Jika kita menemukan seseorang begitu menakjubkan, pengetahuan begitu luas, nasehat begitu dalam, dan menyenangkan mendengarnya bicara, maka jangan tanyakan tips, cara, atau apapun agar bisa menjadi seperti dia selain pertanyaan: "buku apa saja yang telah dia baca?"
Pun sama, jika kita menemukan seseorang yang menyebalkan, tidak sopan, dangkal, suka menggunakan kosakata kotor, maka jangan tanyakan apa yang membuatnya menjadi begitu melainkan pertanyaan: "kapan terakhir kali dia membaca buku?"

Aura of Aurora

Sorry for the alphabet?
Sorry for the words?
Sorry for the phrase?
Sorry for the sentence?
Sorry for the paragraph?
Sorry for the story?
Story of sadness
Story of disappointment
Story of jealousy
Story of tears
Story of smile 
You say sorry to her
She says sorry to him
He says sorry to them
They say sorry to me
I say sorry to myself 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Exploring the "Underground" of LAWANG SEWU

Assalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh
Nice to see you today , you look so beautiful , you look so handsome , you look so excellent my pals. How are you today????? 

Have you ever visited Lawang Sewu? 
If you have ever visited it , I'll ask you again : Have you ever explored the underground of LAWANG SEWU? If yes , what's your first impression when you were in? Afraid/ Excited/ Happy/ Sad????

My heart, my soul and my mind *okay my language is so "lebay" , wkkwkw*  felt so excited and happy when I had a chance to explore the underground of Lawang Sewu. lalalayeyeylallayeyey . This awesome experience began when my beloved friends and I visited Lawang Sewu. 
my beloved friends
 ( from the left :Tanti, Rayinda, Uni, Dyah, Idha,Fita, Me, Winda)
This was my second time to say hello to Lawang Sewu. For the first time I just explored the uniqueness architecture of it without exploring the underground. Then this second time, I must be in the Lawang Sewu's underground. Finally, I made it, uuyeaahhh

For the information, the ticket fee was Rp 10.000/ person  to enter Lawang Sewu , and you had to pay Rp 30.000 for the LW' guide. The guide would explain about the history of LW. I suggested you to visit LW in a group because it could save the money for paying the guide. 

Furthermore, we followed the guide's explanation , and the guide also answered our questions excitedly. Besides, he also became our photographer and we acted as proffesional models .hehehhee  . Then, we arrived in a room that had an access to get in the underground. Only 6 of us who decided to explore it. We had to pay Rp 10.000 /person to rent the boots ,and we should give additional tip (it's about Rp 20.000) for the guide to explore the underground. 

we posed first before entering the underground 
As you can see in this left picture, we worn the boots. We must wear the boots because there's water in the underground. Moreover, we were also given some flashlight to light our way in exploring the underground , since there's no enough light in. Personally, I was so curious about the underground condition.Was the atmosphere creepy? Could I see "something"? These kind of questions emerged in my mind before I started to go in. 
the downstair as a access to the underground 

The picture in your left side, the downstairs was an access to go to the underground. We had to walk one by one. The first impression when we started the exploration, I smelt the rancid aroma and quiet musty. The guide warned us to walk slowly and be baned to shout. The guide started to explained the history of the underground. Let me sum up the guide's explanation. So , the underground of Lawang Sewu established in 1904 (the same as the Lawang Sewu building was built). The first function of the underground was for the water system (in Dutch' colonization) . However, In Japan's colonization , it was used for different function as the underground prison. The prisoners were executed in this prison , then their corpse were threw away in the river next to the Lawang Sewu building.Can you imagine how cruelity of Japanese colonizer at that time?. 

This picture below was the shape of the prison. The square shape below was the Squat Prison (Penjara Jongkok) and the size was 1x1 metre. One squat prison was for 5 person.Therefore, the prisoners must squat in the prison and there was water in. Besides, the prison was closed by the iron framework. They were not given food. They were in the prisons until they dead.When I saw the sorrounding of this prison , I didn't see "something" that I wanted to see, hehehhehehe. However, I sensed different atmosphere here. No wonder , this was superb historical place which many slaughter happened in this place. 

The picture below was the second type of the prison , named the standing prison (Penjara Berdiri) . As you can see the shape of it, these prison were also filled by 5 person , and they were in till they dead. Did you see the small spot in the dark part of this photo? It was called "orbs" , i.e. something in the shape of a sphere. There was 2 orbs behind me . As far as I knew , the orbs indicated that there were astral things around.

 Furthermore, my friends' smile in the above photos  was a fake smile , hahahahah . Actually they felt afraid,they didn't want to be in the back , and they wanted to be in the front part. So , I was in the back  bacause I was brave enough , hahahhahahah  . After we were captured , we continued the journey. In the middle of the journey , I smelt the fragrant aroma of the jasmine. Whoaaa , what was the sign of it??? When I asked my friends , they didn't smell anything. Maybe, one of the astral spirit would communicate with me or say hello to me via the aroma.Then, I got goosebumps. 

Yeap , we were in the corridor of the Lawang Sewu underground. In this area, I didn't smell the fragrant aroma anymore. However , I felt the slightly different atmosphere when I was in the outside and I was in the underground. I could feel the sadness atmosphere in.

 Finally, we ended the exploration of the underground . Before leaving this awesome underground , we posed again. As usual , I was the last person because yaapp you knew lah  ,,they were a little bit afraid .

All in all , exploring the underground of Lawang Sewu was so superb . I learned the history again. I could feel the different atmosphere. I also got welcoming greeting from one of the astral spirit eventhough it was only the fragrant aroma of jasmine. Thanks a million for my pals who invited me to visit Lawang Sewu . I hope I can visit Lawang Sewu again and I can explore the underground at night. I believe there will be slightly different atmosphere if I am in Lawang Sewu in the evening or at night. 

Thanks a bunch for reading my experience. See you
Wassalamualaikum WarahmatullahiWabarakatuh 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Rainbow Smile

I'm not trained to be a "cute" girl
BUT I'm trained to be a  "rigid" girl
I'm not trained to be a "sad" girl
BUT I'm trained to be a "happy" girl

I smile in my sadness
I cry in my happiness
Happiness of my sadness
Sadness of my happiness
Don't let the sorrowful clouds cover the bright happy sky
Let the joyful sun shines the heart, soul, and mind
And the truly rainbow smile appear to colour my life