Hi guys, how's your life?
Hopefully, you are in a good condition :)
Talking about the subjects in Graduate Program, it does not always deal with complicated subjects. Yap, the subjects are not complicated , but the assignments are (sometimes), hehehhe. There is no slightly different between the English Education subjects in undergraduate and graduate program. Okay, let me share you about the subjects in my undergraduate study when I was in FBS UKSW 2008-2012 (the data or name perhaps different since it uses different terms or curriculum now) , here they are:
Interpersonal Listening, Interpersonal Speaking, Integrated Course, Transactional Speaking, Public Listening, Basic Grammar, Guided Writing, Introduction to Language Education, Introduction to Linguistics, Narrative and Descriptive Writing, Reading Skills, Introduction to Literature, TEFL, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraam, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Critical Reading, Expository and Argumentative Writing, Reading Across Genre, Introduction to Researh, Prose, Language Assessment, Psycholinguistic of Language Learning, Academic Listening, Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar, Pendidikan Agama, Academic Reading, English to Indonesia Translation, Poetry, Academic Writing, Phonetic and Phonology, Research Method, Curriculum and Material Development, Sociolinguistics, Cross Cultural Understanding, Morphology and Syntax, Bahasa Indonesia, Ilmu Kealaman Dasar, Drama, Proposal and Report Writing, Semantics, Indonesian to English Translation, Micro Teaching, English for Specific Purposes , American Culture and Literature, Teaching English to Young Learners, Teaching Practicum, Advanced Grammar, Extensive Reading, Public Speaking, Intermediate Grammar, Literature for English as Foreign Language, Thesis, International Business and Management, Teaching Indonesian as Foreign Language, English Language Teachinhg Management, Proficiency Test, and Discourse Analysis.
I know pal your responses will be " what are they, dude? ",, hahahhaha, yappp the sks number of subjects are 149 sks. Luckily I got good GPA at that time. Yap, I must struggle to achive the GPA.
Now , I meet another awesome subjects in my graduate program to reach M.Pd degree , yeay, The subjects cover :
Semester 1 : Research in Education, Advanced Writing, Research in English Language Teaching, Systemic Fuctional Grammar, Theories of Language Teaching and Learning, Foundations of Education
Semester 2 : Semantics, English for Various Instructions, Discourse Studies, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics
Semester 3 : Language Acquisition, Assessment in English Language Teaching, Educational Management and Supervision, Translation Studies, Thesis Proposal Writing
Semester 4 : Thesis
The number of sks in graduate program of English Education in UNNES are 54 sks.
Yap , some of the subjects in graduate program are the same as the subjects in undergraduate program. However , the assignments are different and more complex. Okay , when some people ask me : why do you continue your study? Yap, there are several reasons : InsyaAllah I wanna be a lecturer in University level, I wanna be a professional educator/ expert in English Education field.
Based on the leaflet of English Education Graduate Program in UNNES, the aims of the program:
It produces experts with Master of Education (Magister Pendidikan) qualification in English Education who 1) have a professional competence in teaching English as foreign language, 2) being able to develop self-individual, students, and society through the responsibles ways scientifically, morally, and socially, 3) being able to participate actively, creatively, and dynamically in the development of society in the local, regional, national, and international levels, 4) Being excellent in competition and collaboration fairly and being responsible to achieve the prosperous of world's society.
Hopefully, I can achieve those aims, aamiin , wish me luck ^_^
Thanks a million