
Friday, December 23, 2011

Bedug and Christmas Tree

What do u think about the pictures above?
Yeapz, it's Bedug and Christmas Tree

Okay, Let's to the point
Bedug represents me , and Christmas Tree represents  my University where I study  to get bachelor degree of Education.  Now , I'm in  Semester 8. 

I really thanks to God , who give me chance to study here; in SWCU .As the time goes by, I learn a lot what actually the diversity is; and how to respect it, how I can apply the word " tolerance" , how to respect others' difference. I like the way my campus give a  shalat place to Moslem students , and allows  the female Moslem students to wear jilbab in campus.

However, I have ever met some  fanatic "people"  who said " Hey, u are moslem, why do u  study in  Christian  University?" , then I reply " What's the problem guys?  It doesn't matter where I'm study at, the important thing is that I get  the best education, and the religion is not a barrier to get best education, Okay guys please put away your small thinking and open ur mind!."

I just curious why "they" still argue about  "religion", 'they' only have small thinking  that   Moslems   must study in Islamic school , and Christians must study in Christian school. Hellllloooooooo it's INDONESIA  , known as  many  ethnics,cultures, and religions.  In my deepest heart,I think as Indonesians ; we should respect others' differences , so that there will be peaceful situation and condition in Indonesia. 

Yeah , that's my OPINION. Once more, I also learn about  "HARMONY in DIVERSITY" , we have to respect others' differences, and please  don't only see something only  from the surface ! 

If you don't agree with my opinion, it's okay coz that's your  rights .  
Yeahhhh, I write what I wanna write. Thanks  ^_^


  1. Iya sich chan, emang ada orang yang seperti itu, karena apa ?
    karena dia gag bakal bisa kuliah di universitas islam wkakakakaka xD

  2. @chayeon = siph" :D , orang yg km mksud orang yg "fanatik" ntu kn ntan? hehheheheh, maturnuwun ya sdh d.smptkan baca n komen :D

  3. hahaha iya nchan sama2, materi blognya bagus ^o^

  4. nice article. we had to create something positive for yourself and others.jual bedug
