
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Journey to the WEST (Waktu Energi untuk Sebongkah Tesis)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Alhamdulillah Allah  masih memberiku kesempatan untuk masih merasakan oksigen di bumi ini. Bagaimana kabar teman-teman semua?
Semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah , aamiin

Journey to the WEST ????????????/
kayak judul film yang diperanin Biksu Tong dan murid-muridnya ya?
Tapi ini bukan itu
Ohhhh seperti itu ..lalu *tetiba Princess Syahrinieeee mode on*

Lalu ini tentang apaan sih?
Ini tentang WEST :  (Waktu Energi  untuk Sebongkah Tesis)
TESIS lagi? lagi lagi TESIS, huehehehehhehehehe

Yap, sudah sekitar 1,5 bulan aku mengumpulkan dan analisa beberapa data-data penelitian, secara beberapa instrumen penelitian aku pakai untuk sebongkah tesis ini. Apa saja sih instrumennya? Aku pakai 4 instrumen untuk ambil data, seperti  dokumen tulisan siswa, angket, wawancara, dan observasi kelas, komplit kan ya, semoga waktu dan energiku cukup untuk membuat sebongkah tesis ini menjadi berlian mutiara tesis yang indah, aamiin 

kalau teman-teman pada nanya: pernah bosen atau males nggak sih kalau mau ngerjakan tesis ? Jujur nih ya, manusiawi aku pernah males juga waktu mau mulai analisa datanya lagi, tapi karena ada NIAT  dan USAHA yang selalu bersandar di dinding hatiku *eaaaaaaaaaaaa aku jadi tambah semangat lagiiiiii untuk menyelesaikan TESIS ini :) dan aku harus menyingkirkan rasa malasku ..hehehhe...Ingat HARUS RAJIN TEKUN ULET

Aku mo bagi-bagi tips nih biar selalu semangat untuk mengerjakan tesis ---> 
1.  Berdoa, Usaha, serta Tanamkan NIAT yang kuat bahwa kita punya tujuan-tujuan indah  kalau tesis ini selesai dikerjakan di uji dan di luluskan (semoga bisa dapat nilai A dari semua penguji,,aamiin)

2. Ingat orang tua kita yang senantiasa mendoakan kita dan berjuang untuk kebahagiaan kita 

3. Rajin bimbingan dengan para pembimbing

4. Rajin baca referensi-refernsi yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian 

5. Buatlah jadwal pribadi tentang progress penulisan tesis/ tugas akhir jadi biar kita punya pedoman hari ini ngapain dan progressnya sampai apa dll.

Doakan aku ya teman-teman , semoga tesisku segera selesai dan mendapatkan hasil yang bagus, aamiin

Sekian dulu ya, terimakasih sudah membaca postingan ini
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Untukmu Aku Bertahan

Untukmu Aku Bertahan
Ini bukan lirik lagunya Afgan
Ini puisi tentangku dan kamu
Iya kamu
Kamu selalu dibenakku
Untukmu Aku Bertahan lengkapi apa yang kau pinta
Untukmu Aku Bertahan turuti semua aturan
Untukmu Aku Bertahan begadang sampai malam
Untukmu Aku Bertahan terima saran 
Untukmu Aku Bertahan hadapi semua hal
Untukmu Aku Bertahan curahkan perhatian
Untukmu Aku Bertahan gapai sebuah gelar
Gelar ini bukan sekedar gelar
demi kamu iya kamu Oh Tugas Akhir Tesis Tersayang 
Untukmu Aku Bertahan tuk selesaikan semuanya 
Hingga Toga dan Upacara Wisuda menyapa 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

a Research Presenter-My Sixth International Seminar

Hello Jakarta ~(^_^)~
Finally, We were in State University of Jakarta  (UNJ) 

Welcome to UNJ ^_^, H. Khunaivi,S.Pd, S.Hum and Candradewi W.A.,S.Pd, we're struggling and enjoying the process to get M.Pd this year (2015) ~(^_^)~
Yeap, yeap, yeap, Finally we were chosen to be presenters in the 8th DEPISA International Conference that was hosted by State University of Jakarta in December 9-10, 2014. DEPISA stands for Developing Educational Professional in Southeast Asia. The topic of the conference was "Collaborative Research-Based Learning and Teaching to Foster Teacher Professional Development". The conference was so great in which we could interact with educators, teachers, lectures, and students who joined it. They were from Southeast Asia countries. Therefore, we could share our educational system. We were very blessed. Thanks for everyone who supported us. 

For this conference, my research's group presented the research entitled "Authentic Feedback in Speaking Class: Effective or Ineffective?" 

 Here is the abstract: 


Speaking is a productive oral skill which consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (Nunan 2003: 48). In teaching speaking, there are five principles that have to be considered. The principles are 1)second language and foreign language learning context, 2) fluency and accuracy, 3) providing opportunities to talk, 4) planning for speaking tasks, and 5) classroom activities design (Nunan 2003: 54-56).The aim of the study was to discover the students and lecturer’s perspectives toward the effectiveness of authentic feedback as lecturer’s evaluation and assessment in Speaking class. This study was conducted at English Department of Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula). The type of this study was a case study. Gall et al. (2003) contends that there are three main purposes of case study; case study is conducted to produce detailed description, to develop possible explanation, or to evaluate the phenomenon. Furthermore, the participants of this study were the lecturer and the students of speaking class. Questionnaire, interview, and observation were used to collect the data. The study showed that the lecturer had good responses to give authentic feedback. The lecturer viewed that giving authentic feedback would motivate the students to improve their speaking proficiency. Moreover, the students believed that authentic feedback had several benefits in which helped them to enhance their speaking skill. As a conclusion, giving authentic feedback was effectively helped the students to know their strengths and weaknesses in speaking.

Keywords: Authentic Feedback, Teaching Speaking, Adult Learners

Hopefully, this posting is useful for the readers ^_^. Thanks a bunch.

the pics --> the three-up pics : when we were presenting, the following pic:  after our session's presentation, we were in one frame with the lecturers from UKI, UNJ, UPH,  Philipppine Normal University,BiNus Jakarta, and South Korea-Daegu National University of Education.

Hopefully, next year we'll be the English lecturers too. Wish us luck ^_^

a Research Presenter-My Fifth International Seminar

What an awesome International Seminar ^_^

Thanks Allah, You have given my research's group an excellent opportunity to present our research in the 8th International Seminar " Engaging with Literature Creatively". The International Seminar was held by The Faculty of Language and Literature Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga in November 11-12, 2014. 

My research's group consisted of two person; Candradewi (myself) and mas Khunaivi. We did our best in the seminar ^_^. We also met excellent educators, teachers, students who are from Indonesia, and overseas ^_^ 

This's our research title and abstract . Hopefully it is useful for those who read this posting. 

Developing Group Investigation in Writing a Report of Poetry Class


Poetry was one of the requirement subjects in the undergraduate program of English Department. Giving a report assignment in Poetry class was a good task for assessing students' ideas toward their poetry materials. However, the students found a barrier in writing their report. Indeed, the lecturer had to apply an effective teaching method to overcome the barrier. Dealing with this issue, this study was conducted to develop group investigation in writing a report of poetry class and to examine the practicality and efficiency of group investigation. This study was held at English Department of Islamic Sultan Agung University Semarang (UNISULA). The type of this study was research and development design. The participants of this study were the lecturer and the students of poetry class at UNISULA. Questionnaire, interview, and observation were used to collect the data. The study showed that the lecturer had good response to the development of using group investigation in writing a report of poetry class. The lecturer thought that group investigation was a good choice to lead his students to think carefully and cooperatively each other. It could be concluded that group investigation was practicality and efficiency helped students in writing a report of poetry class. It made the students’ to be active, participated and helped students to become independent learners.

Keywords: group investigation, writing a report, poetry

Candradewi  and my research's partner H.Khunaivi :) , We did our best ^_^

a Research Presenter- My Third International Seminar

Thank you , Thank you ,Thank you so much the 3rd ELTLT International Conference that give my research's group a great chance to present in the conference. The conference was held in September 27-28, 2014 in Semarang ^_^

ELTLT stands for English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, so all of the paper that had been presented were related to the main topic of the conference. ELTLT International Conference was held by the Faculty of Languages and Arts; State University of Semarang

At that time my research's group consisted of three person, they were Candra (myself), mbak Arni, and mbak Winda. We presented our research entitled  "Current, Potential and Future Issues: Semesta Senior High School as Model School of Emerging ICT to Answer 2013 Curriculum Implementation". 

We did our best when we started to conduct the research and presented our research. Thanks for those who had supported our research. Therefore, we could present in the International Conference of ELTLT. 

The abstract of our research s follows:

Current, Potential and Future Issues: Semesta Senior High School as Model School of Emerging ICT to Answer 2013 Curriculum Implementation



Semesta Senior High School was chosen as the model school of the implementation of 2013 curriculum because it has emerged ICT to teaching learning process, teaching profession and school management. In addition, Semesta Foundation named Pasiad has collaborated with some public schools in Indonesia. The problems of this study are (a) how is the use of ICT in Semesta?; (b) how are the current, potential, and future issues of emerging ICT in education? The study objectives are (a) describing the use of ICT  in Semesta; (b) explaining the current, potential, and future issues of emerging ICT in education. A case study research design is used in this research. Data were collected by classroom observation, questionnaire, and interview. The findings show the use of ICT in many media such as i-tool, smart board, Semesta database,, and webinar. The emerging of ICT in 2013 curriculum raises current issues such as cost and human resources. The issues of emerging ICT can be solved by adapting Semesta system and Indonesian schools’ condition. In addition, the potential of emerging ICT in Semesta can be the answer of 2013 curriculum implementation which requires reduction of teacher’s burden in formulating teaching and learning instrument. By applying ICT the teaching learning process, teaching profession and school management can be organized well so that the school stakeholders can control and develop the school quality. The future issue of emerging ICT can be seen by the collaboration of Pasiad Foundation with some public schools in Indonesia.

Keywords: ICT in education, 2013 curriculum, current issue, potential issue, future issue

This's the pic after we did our best presentation . From left side : mbak Arni, Candra (my self) and mbak Winda ^_^