The stupid thing that I’d ever thought was that if I were a boy ( it’s like the song title, isn't it? ),,hahaha. Okay , personally I am not like the others ( girls) who use make-up, look girly. Hahah yaapp, I tend to look like a boy , I mean “tomboy” , you know tomboy , don’t you? . Don’t use a full make-up , yaaa you know lah , tomboy.
Nah, it’s not surprising when my friends , my relatives, my neighbors, my secret admirers who really care about me, suggested me to be more girly in my daily activities, use full make up (like chibi-chibi ,,hap hap hap :p). But, this’s me , who really I am. I just wanna be my self. Problem for you? Fix your own problems first, please. (ahhhh what am I talking about?) .
At that time , I wanted to join "self-defense" activity, but the condition and situation didn't support me.
Yaaappz, if I were a boy , my parent would allow me to join “ karate or pencak silat” . Yahh, I wanted to join that kinds of self-defense since I was in Elementary school. When I asked for permission, my parent always said “ No, you can’t join that , because you're a girl” . Yapp of course, I just followed my parent’s words . Therefore, I joined traditional dance in my JHS , yapp traditional dance, ulallala, absolutely my parent supported me ( huge support) for this activity. Then , proceed in my SHS , I asked my parent to allow me to join “pencak silat” , again and again they didn’t allow me with the same reason #hakdessssss. Yapp, in my campuss , I also wanted to join it , and again my parent didn’t allow me, but I really wanted to join. Unfortunately, I couldn’t join because I wanted to focus in my study at that time and I only joined the activities related to my study. As the result, now I regret why I didn’t join it. Maybe, I can join it ,but when do I join???? The answer is someday .LoL .
Furthermore, if I were a boy , my parent would allow me to go or hang out wherever I wanted to. You get the point , don’t you? ( my parent would allow me to go if I had good reason why I should go) . Probably, that’s good because I am a girl, and it shows their affection for me. Thanks Mom and Dad. Hehehheh. Okay , that’s what I felt “ if I were a boy” .
All in all, I think “my thought --> if I were a boy “ is kinda “stupid” thing. I must be grateful / thank to God ,to be born as a girl (at the first time, my Mom wanted a son when she was pregnant of me) , and finally I was born (maybe, that's the reason why I am "tomboy" ...hahhahha :p ). Thanks Mom.
Alhamdullillah. God give me chance to live in this earth and face the world. Thanks my parent, Thanks God for everything.
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