Hello Jakarta ~(^_^)~
Finally, We were in State University of Jakarta (UNJ)
Welcome to UNJ ^_^, H. Khunaivi,S.Pd, S.Hum and Candradewi W.A.,S.Pd, we're struggling and enjoying the process to get M.Pd this year (2015) ~(^_^)~ |
Yeap, yeap, yeap, Finally we were chosen to be presenters in the 8th DEPISA International Conference that was hosted by State University of Jakarta in December 9-10, 2014. DEPISA stands for Developing Educational Professional in Southeast Asia. The topic of the conference was "Collaborative Research-Based Learning and Teaching to Foster Teacher Professional Development". The conference was so great in which we could interact with educators, teachers, lectures, and students who joined it. They were from Southeast Asia countries. Therefore, we could share our educational system. We were very blessed. Thanks for everyone who supported us.
For this conference, my research's group presented the research entitled "Authentic Feedback in Speaking Class: Effective or Ineffective?"
Here is the abstract:
Speaking is a productive oral skill which consists of
producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (Nunan 2003: 48). In
teaching speaking, there are five principles that have to be considered. The
principles are 1)second language and foreign language learning
context, 2) fluency and accuracy, 3) providing
opportunities to talk, 4) planning for speaking tasks, and 5)
classroom activities design (Nunan 2003: 54-56).The aim of the study was to discover the students and lecturer’s perspectives
toward the effectiveness of authentic feedback as lecturer’s evaluation and
assessment in Speaking class. This study was conducted at English Department of
Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula). The type of this study was a case study. Gall et al.
(2003) contends that there are three main purposes of case study; case study is
conducted to produce detailed description, to develop possible explanation, or
to evaluate the phenomenon. Furthermore, the participants of this study were
the lecturer and the students of speaking class. Questionnaire, interview, and
observation were used to collect the data. The study showed that the lecturer
had good responses to give authentic
The lecturer viewed that giving authentic feedback would motivate the students
to improve their speaking proficiency. Moreover, the students believed that
authentic feedback had several benefits in which helped them to enhance their
speaking skill. As a conclusion, giving authentic feedback was effectively helped the students to
know their strengths and weaknesses in speaking.
Keywords: Authentic Feedback, Teaching Speaking,
Adult Learners
Hopefully, this posting is useful for the readers ^_^. Thanks a bunch.