Research (again)?
Yap , Alhamdulillah , I got a perfect chance to be a presenter in the 6th International Seminar of FBS UKSW in 2012. At that time, I tried to submit my research to be selected in the seminar. Alhamdulillah, the committee accepted my paper, and finally I presented it :). I was so happy :). Moreover, I got many benefits in which I could share my research, practice my public speaking, communicate to the experts, and build a great network.
Actually, I used my undergraduate final project ("skripsi") to be submitted in the International Seminar. Finally, it's accepted. The title of my research was " The Purposes of L1 in TEYL in Kindergarten" . The following abstract of my research will give general overview toward my research. Hopefully, you will get a lesson from this posting.
by : Candradewi Wahyu
and cons in using L1 in English language classroom has been discussed for many
years. The pro sides argue that using L1 in FL classroom will demotivate the
learners in acquiring the target language. However, the cons sides revealed
that using L1 in FL classroom gave positive effect in teaching-learning process,
such as; to provide instructions or explanation, to manage or to discipline a
class, to motivate students to learn L2, and to give comments on students’ works
and progresses. Inspired by the pros and cons, this study has attempted to
investigate the purposes of the teacher uses L1 when teaching bilingual-kindergarten
students. This paper is based on the
classroom observations conducted in Satya Wacana Children Center, Salatiga. It aims at showing the use
of L1 in Teaching English to Young Learners in kindergarten. The findings
suggested that the purposes of using L1 still took important roles in teaching
learning process.
Key words:
Teaching English, Young Learner, The Purposes of L1
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I was in action , yap I love it ^_^ ; presenting my research |